“Meet Our Tutors” – Julie Puckering, Head Tutor Academics
“Meet Our Tutors” – Paulina Adamczewski, French Tutor
“Meet Our Tutors” – Shannon Holmes, English Tutor
“Meet Our Tutors” – Jia Ji, Math tutor
“Meet Our Tutors” – Asia Ercan, Science tutor
Back To School 2020 – Let’s Be Safe, Wear A Mask
One of the ways to help ourselves stop the spread of viruses is to wear a mask. Some of the students are now returning to an in-person class, which means they will be wearing masks in school and in public areas. As parents and guardians, we should be able to emphasize how wearing masks can lower the risks of spreading the virus.
Here are some tips from the KidsHealth website on how to help kids wear masks:
- Help kids get used to masks – teach them how to put it on and give them time to practice wearing masks
- Encourage kids to decorate their masks – this way they would be proud of their creation and would want to wear the mask they painted themselves
- Have a few masks handy while kids play – it will help them make masks a more normal part of their everyday life.
There are many guidelines on how to wear masks and the proper way to disregard it after every use. It is also important to know which masks are appropriate for the children and more comfortable especially when inside the classroom.
The infographic below shows how to wear a non-medical mask safely:
Enhancing Our Preventive Measure – Adapting To A More Safe Learning Environment
Schools are now opening and we are slowly picking up our pace to get back to our new normal. At Advancity Education, we are taking all necessary steps to protect every stakeholder in our organization. As most parents opt to continue with online learning, we are here to provide exceptional services for everyone to continue progressing amidst the crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our daily lives in ways we could not imagine. Our day to day activities has changed drastically over the past few months.
The government of Canada is doing its part in managing the crisis, and because everyone also did their part, we are at the end of the tunnel. We can now see the fruit of our cooperation just because we stayed at home during the lockdown period.
We are preparing our center within the guidelines of the Public Health Agency of Canada to make our workplace safe for everyone, our students, tutors, parents and our community.
Our center will be taking these proactive measures to have a safe learning environment:
- Up to 3 parents can use the waiting room and all classrooms thoroughly cleaned after every session.
- Taking body temperature and sanitize hands before entering the center
- Wearing of the mask to cover your nose and mouth inside the building
- Ensure we maintain a physical distance of 2 metres
- Hand-washing more frequently with proper coughing and sneezing etiquette
Our usual routine is put on hold, but learning should continue and progress every day. Our 2020 although full of exciting planned activities yet all of us have had a collective experience of being quarantined and we should take a moment to appreciate our resilience in the face of adversity.
Back To School Safe Reopening Plans – Learn Our Strategy To Building Better Schools
Going back to school this coming September is a choice we all have to take eventually, but how we return back to school prepared is what drives contentions and anxieties for all stakeholders and custodians of our future.
At Advancity Education, we believe the answer to the myriad of questions and concerns all parents, educators and our community crave lies right in our recently upgraded personalized blended classroom experience.
We have invented the “personalized small group class” learning model. A model structured to comply with the tested simulation from the Public Health of Canada as a quick and safe measure to flatten the COVID19 curve and slowly reopen the economy – a proven strategy that works!
Why reinvent the wheel when it works just fine? We suggest reopening schools gradually in the similar phases we all participated a few weeks ago;
Phase 1 includes Introducing a blended classroom learning program that integrates remote learning with drastically reduced in-class sessions to enable us to track and record contact tracing, preventive temperature check and trailing, provide PPE and mental health support to our students, tutors, parents and partners.
Our Phase 2 strategy includes increasing/decreasing in-class size based on the success/failure we have recorded from the lessons learnt from phase 1.
We shall increase contact tracing, preventive temperature check and tracking, provide PPE and mental health support to our students, tutors, parents and partners.
Our Phase 3 planning will consistently comply with the health and safety standards of Canada’s public health directives as we constantly seek to proffer alternative solutions to support the reopening of our community.
We are taking proactive measures to keep our community safe for everyone. Contact us today to be a part of keeping Canada safe and join our growing community of those who simply love helping others!
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update – Prevention is better than panic!

Asian girl student read a text book in library in her University, this image can use for education, learn, Business, and college concept
We are aware of growing concerns regarding the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) and while there are no confirmed cases at our learning center, we are taking proactive measures within our community.
We are taking proactive temporary measures to ensure the health and safety of all our stakeholder. Hence, all students in-class sessions will transition to our online class “zoom recorded platform”.
Orientation and training on how to use the ZOOM application will be supported by our admin staff. Specific student requests can be accommodated on a case-by-case basis.
The safety of our students, parents, staff and partners is of utmost importance to us.
According to The Public Health Agency of Canada’s website, wash your hands with plain soap and water and dry thoroughly.
If you do not have access to water, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
We also encourage all residents to take their own precautions.
The Public Health Agency of Canada issued the following guidelines to minimize any potential health risks:
• Stay home (self-isolate)
• Avoid individuals with chronic conditions, compromised immune systems and older adults
• Avoid having visitors to your home
• Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds
• Cover your mouth and nose with your arm when coughing and sneezing
Additionally, you can heed the following safety tips from the World Health Organization: